Monday, August 3, 2009

Music as Illusion?

If we want to be pedantic, we might say that music is more of an illusion than a drug, in that it acts on perceptual modules in the brain whose purpose is to perform genuine perception, but it provides data belonging to a subset of possible data which the relevant modules are not able to process correctly.

That said, music is the only significant illusion that is generated and consumed for pleasure in a major way. We could interpret entertainment such as motion pictures (i.e. film and television) as a similar form of illusory contrivance, however, in this case the contrivance is one that produces perceptual input that it is almost identical to what the real input would be if the fiction being portrayed was indeed factual. Whereas if we regard music as a type of speech, it is nota realistic imitation of any normal type of speech.

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